Constance Stellas is a practicing astrologer offering individual consultations

A Guided Astrology Journal for your Zodiac Sign
To all those seeking the wisdom in their stars
Astrology Tips
You can learn a lot from your sign!

Contact for consultation fees and appointments

About Constance
Constance Stellas is one of those rare astrologers who has maintained a commonsense approach by building on the basics. Her book "Advanced Astrology for Life" reflects this approach and can lead anyone who is interested into the rarified atmosphere of excellence.
Published Books
Want to learn more about astrology? Constance has published over a dozen books to help you find your way.

Moon Rhythm
Have you ever wondered why one day you feel great and energetic and then the next not at all? It could be the phase and the sign of the Moon. The Moon, as the nearest light to earth, has a monthly cycle and changes astrological signs every two and a half days. And all of these changes affect our mood, physical energy, concentration, self-care, and well being.
Monthly Forecast - January
We started December with a Solar Eclipse at 12 degrees Sagittarius. Not visible in the US but certainly consequential for the chart of the United States. The eclipse was directly on the nation's Ascendant. Unfortunately, political infighting will ramp up this month. With the prolonged fight against COVID and the new variant, Omicron, the lines between health, safety, and politics are blurred. The stars best advice is to keep cool, wear a mask, and wait until more information emerges. This is a restless, edgy time.